Enough Questions and LOTR Memes to Make Your Head Explode

I know you’re all thinking, “Another award post?  Wasn’t your last post an award post? Can’t you post about something else?”

Well, I have something to say to that; Stop saying the word post!  It’s really annoying. Also, you’re really not smart for clicking a post with a title like that.  I mean, what kind of bozo wants their head to explode?  (Yeah, that’s the best I can come up with.  Let’s just pretend that intro didn’t happen, shall we?)

To start off (because this is the start, not the 78 words above), I’d like to give a huge thanks to Eleni Jane, Helene Montpetit, and Jessica for nominating me!  You all made my day.  🙂

Since I was nominated by more than one person at the same time, and I didn’t want to chose between them (see, I am a nice person) I’m going to answer all their questions.

Here it goes!

Eleni Jane’s Questions:

1. What inspires you as a blogger?

Lot’s of things inspire me, but what really gets me to keep blogging are comments from you guys.  You are all my biggest inspiration!

2. Who do you blog for?

I know some people have a specific audience in mind when they blog, but I pretty much just write for whoever will read.  If you find my stuff entertaining and inspiring, it’s for you.

In other words, I have no idea what I’m doing.

3. Who or what is your favourite book/ tv/ film character?

Right now my favorite character is a half-elf, half-goblin who, even though is last in line for the throne, suddenly finds himself as Emperor of all the Elf lands. Maia wasn’t trained for such a powerful role, as his father despised him and sent him to be raised in the middle of no where.  I loved watching this character navigate the dangerous world of elf politics and learn the rules of a court he was never supposed to be at, much less rule.  Most of all, I loved his willingness to do things unconventionally.  He really shook things up! (The character is from The Goblin Emperor by Katherine Addison.)

4. If you could choose to have a super power, what would it be and why?

To be able to read books in the blink of an eye, so I’d have a hope of finishing me reading list before I die.

5. What was the last book you read?

The Scorch Trials by James Dashner.  (I’m a little disappointed that this series isn’t as amazing as they were made out to be.  Maybe it will get better in the last book.)

6. What was the last film you watched?

The Glass Virgin based on a novel by Catherine Cookson.  I love this story, both in book and movie form.

7. What was your childhood fear? Has it changed?

Somehow losing access to books.  Nope, hasn’t changed.  😉

8. Recommend a song to me

I See Fire–Ed Sheeran

9. Tell me an inspirational quote

“I found it is the small everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keep the darkness at bay. Small acts of kindness and love.” — Gandalf, The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

10. How much does this nomination mean to you?

This is for you nomination.

11. What would you do if you won £1,000,000?


Helene Montpetit’s questions:

1. What is your earliest memory?

My first memory is kind of a sad one. I was two years old and in a stroller at a food court at the mall. My parents were eating, and I guess I was bored because I kept standing up and leaning against the back of the stroller. Well, it fell over and I busted my chin open. I don’t remember actually falling. I just remember blood and being scared that there were a bunch of strangers with masks (doctor and nurses) around me and that I couldn’t see my mom.

Like I said…not a very pleasant memory. 😦

2. What makes you giggle?

LOTR memes

(Seriously, there’s like 1,000 memes that come to mind when I see this. Memes, you have ruined the epicness of this moment…but I love you anyway.)

3. What is the most important thing you can do for yourself?

Tell yourself you can make mistakes, and the world isn’t going to blow up.

4. What is the most important thing you can do for the world? 

Not make mistakes on the off chance it does blow up.

 Jessica’s questions:

1. What were your goals when you decided to start your blog?

To use as many LOTR memes as possible.

Ok, so that wasn’t really my goal when starting my blog (at least not one I’d admit to).  I didn’t have a whole lot of goals when I first started.  I was mainly using it as motivation to practice writing.  (I know, boring right?  Maybe using tons of LOTR memes should have been my goal.)

2. What is your favorite book?

I don’t have a favorite book simply because there are too many great ones out there to choose just one. I mean, what super human has the ability to do such a thing?  I may be human, and I may be pretty super, but I can’t  choose between books.

3. What is your favorite season? Why?

Ok, this one is a little easier.  No super-human strength required.

I live in the south U.S. and summers get pretty hot.  Like fires of Mordor hot.  (Oooh…now’s my chance to use another LOTR meme. *jumps up and down* Oh alright, I guess I’ll spare you. This time…)

So when the weather finally gets cooler we all let out a sigh of relief and jump at the chance to wear boots and cute little scarves (even thought it’s not nearly cold enough for such paraphernalia).

And for those of you that are confused, that was my long-winded way of saying fall.  My favorite season is fall.

4. Who has impacted you the most in your life? (your mother, a sibling, a dear friend, a celebrity)

Who’s impacted me most? This guy right here.

(How could someone with such awesome hair not impact your life forever? Legolas, I want my hair to be just like yours when I grow up.)

Got ya! I just couldn’t resist the chance to whip out another LOTR meme.  🙂

5. Mac or PC?


6. Here is a corny one for you: If you were trapped on a deserted island, what would you bring with you?

Wait for it…wait for it….

This Guy!

This has NOTHING to do with my LOTR obsession. I mean, he’s just so resourceful.  How could I not want someone who can pull stuff out of no where with me an a deserted island?

Ok, ok.  I’ll stop dodging questions with Legolas memes (he won’t come anyway due to the fact that there aren’t any orcs to shoot or dwarves to pick on).

Assuming shelter and food are provided, I’ll bring a kindle that contains all the books on my reading list, sunglasses, sunscreen, a notebook and pencil (for all those stories I’m bound to come up—nothing like being stranded on a deserted island to get that imagination going).

7. Were you involved in any extracurricular activities in school? If so, what were they?

They weren’t directly related to school, but I did take piano lessons and I was part of an organization called CAP (Civil Air Patrol) for a year.  It was really cool.  They let you fly planes!

8. What is your profession?

Does starving blogger count as a profession?

9. What is your favorite restaurant?

I really like Mizu Japanese Restaurant, and anything Mexican.

Do you have a favorite cooking show? If so, what is it?

I don’t really watch cooking shows and I couldn’t think of a way to add yet another LOTR meme, (and I didn’t want you guys to hate me) so I don’t have an answer to that.

Last question, what is your guilty pleasure food? (Something you love but know you shouldn’t eat)

Homemade apple pie with vanilla ice cream.  Or brownies with vanilla ice cream…or…Well, I’ll stop before you think all I eat is sweets.

You’re still here? I thought your head would have exploded by now. I guess that means it’s safe to add more questions and…LOTR memes!!!

Alright, alright.  I can take a hint (I can hear your collective groans and booing).  I’ll just add my questions to the nominees.  No LOTR memes (although, I’ll have you know that you have taken the joy out of my day.  You should be ashamed).

My Questions


  1. If you could’ve written any book in the world, which book would it be? (Ex. Instead of Harry Potter being written by J.K. Rowling, it would’ve been written by you.)
  2. What’s the story behind your blog’s name?
  3. What’s your favorite post you’ve written so far?
  4. If you had a chance to travel anywhere, all expenses paid, where would it be and why?
  5. What’s one thing that you love, but most people wouldn’t associate with you?
  6. What is the one thing you must have with you at all times?
  7. If you could have a robot friend with human emotions, what would its name be and what would its personality be like?
  8. What is your favorite genre to read and why?
  9. If you could invite any character from a book to your house, who would it be?
  10. If you could step into any fictional world, which one would it be (e.g., Narnia, Middle Earth, Hogwarts)?
  11. Write a question that I haven’t asked that you want to answer, then answer it.

I Nominate


JoHanna Massey



Lisa Villaume

kika schlup

it’s me Saraa


Victoria Writes

Dreamer of Dreams

Congratulations!  You get to keep this pretty pink award. 🙂

But wait…there are some rules…


Have fun! And let me say, all of you deserve an award for making it though this many questions (and LOTR references) without any injuries.

I thought I’d let you all know that I didn’t forget about the poll I took last week (it’s still open if you want to vote).  There was a lot of interest in the choose your own adventure idea, so I’m going to take a deep breath, plunge into these unknown waters, and to do it.  I’m busy coming up with the story right now.  I know it’s going to be a fantasy story with a bit of a mystery going on, but I haven’t finished the plot.

Thank you all for voting this idea in. I’m having so much fun with this and I can’t wait to share it with you!


24 thoughts on “Enough Questions and LOTR Memes to Make Your Head Explode”

  1. Thanks for the nomination and congrats on another award! And awesome song choice by the way, I haven’t been able to get that thing out of my head since the second Hobbit film was released lol. And The Glass Virgin is such a wonderful, but yet mostly-unknown movie! I saw it once years ago and loved it. If you’ve not seen it already, I’d totally recommend North and South, it has the same actor in it and is pretty much four hours of epicness (Mr. Thornton aka Thorin Oakenshield…need I say more?). I’m pretty sure it’s still on YouTube somewhere 😀


    1. You’re welcome…and thank you! 🙂
      That song has been in my head too. It will just pop in my mind at random moments and I have to stop what I’m doing because I’m suddenly in a mountain hall with a bunch of dwarves. 😀
      The Class Virgin is one of my favorites by Catherine Cookson. Some of her stories are too sad for me, but that one has such a great ending. I also like The Rag Nymph (it’s on YouTube).
      I love, love, love North and South! It’s right up there with Pride and Prejudice (or maybe better?). And it doesn’t hurt that Richard Armitage is in it. 🙂 I wish he was in more shows like that.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yes, that song is nothing less than pure magic, and as for Richard Armitage, you couldn’t be more right! He desperately needs to do another period drama, he was just too good to only give us one! And he was hilarious in the Vicar of Dibley and wonderfully leather-clad in the BBC Robin Hood, which are both well worth watching 😀 I haven’t seen the Rag Nymph though but it sounds oddly familiar for some reason lol. 😀

        Liked by 2 people

      2. Yes! More period dramas with Richard needs to happen.
        He was great in BBC’s Robin Hood. Guy of Gisborne was my favorite character. I found myself wishing Marian would end up with him.
        I haven’t seen The Vicar of Dibley. I’ll have to look it up (if only to see more Richard Armitage). 🙂


      3. The Vicar of Dibley is fantastically amazing pre-Richard Armitage, but I only found the show because I saw that he was in the final two episodes lol! Thankfully you don’t have to watch the other episodes to comprehend what’s going on. And yes, Marian and Guy were way better than Marian and Robin! I think this is the only Robin Hood where I didn’t actually like the Robin character, or Marian if I’m being honest lol. Guy and Much were by far my favorites 😀


      4. Oh good. Maybe I’ll just skip to the last two episodes. 😀
        Yeah, there really wasn’t any chemistry between Marian and Robin. And sometimes I found their characters a bit annoying. It was a good series overall though.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Congrats on your Liebster Award! More than one, did you say? Anywho, I have NO idea of what LOTR memes is/does or stands for! Any enlightenment would be greatly appreciated! Your writing is breezy, bright and funny and I enjoyed my visit!


    1. LOTR stands for Lord of the Rings, and memes are just those funny-looking pictures with words across them. Thanks for sticking around even though half of what I was saying didn’t make sense. 🙂 I’m glad you enjoyed your visit!


  3. Haha, I love your LOTR obsession and memes!

    You seem to have a fun sense of humor. I think I’ll see what else you have to offer. (That means I plan on reading your other posts.)



  4. Hi, Megan! Sorry it took me so long to go through your blog. I absolutely love what you do here. 🙂
    I just had to go through this post as it had LOTR in its title. I won’t object to more memes, being a fangirl myself.
    I’m so glad I have such a cool writer buddy! I think I’ll get back to perusing now.

    Liked by 1 person

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