Our New Name!

Last Monday I asked you all what you wanted to be called. I mean YouTube followers get special names–like “Mythical Beasts” for Rhett and Link’s show or “Hollin’s family” for Peter Hollins viewers–so why can’t we have one too?

I gave a few choices and you all posted in the comments which one you liked best.

Well, the votes are in and now it’s time to reveal the name that we will call ourselves.

A name that will bring us all together. A name that will encapsulate everything we are and what we stand for. A name that will bring strength and unity to our group. A name that will launch us into our future of incredible deeds at monstrous proportions.

A name that is worthy of the group that will take over the world.


Wait. Did I just say that out loud?

Disregard that last sentence. It isn’t time for me to reveal the real purpose of this blog yet.

Ok, quick to the name reveal so you guys don’t start asking questions!

*drum roll*

And the winner is…Epic Dreamers! (Invisibles and Meganeers were close behind.) I feel like there should be some party horns or something.


Well that was more headache-inducing than what I had in mind, but thank you Dumbledore and Snape (and random guy sneaking away in the background…don’t try to act like you weren’t a part).

Now that we’ve had our little celebration….I can start calling you Epic Dreamers!

Hello there Epic Dreamers.

What’s up Epic Dreamers?

Thank you all you wonderful Epic Dreamers!

Sorry, just had to practice. It has a nice ring to it doesn’t it? It makes it sound like we’re capable of accomplishing anything.

Like taking over the world! *cough* I mean…uh…baking clover swirled. It’s a new type of dessert. 😉

World domination aside, thank for being such great readers! This blog wouldn’t be what it is without you!

Thanks for being awesome Epic Dreamers!





8 thoughts on “Our New Name!”

    1. I’m a Mythical Beast too (I mean how can you resist the craziness of Rhett and Link 😉 ).
      Awesome! I’m so glad you’ve joined us Megan! Oh and I must say, I like your name. 😛

      Liked by 1 person

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