Learning How to Revise That Story

I’ve set my manuscript aside for a couple of weeks and now it’s time to pick it back up and give it a good makeover. This first thing I discovered when perusing the first draft of my story is this; I have no idea what I’m doing.

I’m sitting there with my printed chapter in front of me, highlighters fanned out on the table, ready to do some serious note taking that will transform my story from the fat little caterpillar it is now to the butterfly I know it can be, when I realize I have no idea how to work such transformative magic.

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I made it through the entire first-draft process by telling myself it didn’t matter how bad it was because I could fix it in the next draft. Second Draft was a magical place where the scribble scrabble of today became the hart-warming adventure of tomorrow. Jarring transitions between scenes? No problem. They’ll be smoothed over in the next draft. Don’t know what kind of uniforms the army is wearing? You’ll figure it out in the next draft. Don’t know what you are doing? You’ll know in the next draft.

Or maybe you won’t.

I’m right back to my first discovery. I have no idea what I’m doing.

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I’ve never drafted a story this large before, so even though I have a general idea of what to do during this process, IΒ am a bit lost at the technicalities of drafting a story. I know better then to do a line edit at this point in the process, butΒ rest of what I should do or not do is a bit foggy.

Should I actually change anything, or just make notes on what should be changed? How do I keep track of the different types of changes that need to be made? Some changes will require brainstorming, like anyΒ world building that still has to be done. Some will require that I reference other chapters, likeΒ deciding whether I want that character to have that knife in the seventh chapter because in the forth, I had him lose it. Will I need to highlight these in different ways to keep track of the different types, or just lump them all together?

Am I making more work for myself by making notes on a printed version of the chapters when could do the drafting on Scrivener and change things as I find them?

Since my neat little row of highlighters weren’t jumping up and marking the pages for me, I decided that I needed to do a bit of experimenting to see what works.

First, I thought of the things I did know to do when starting a second draft.

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Take a Break

Obviously, I know this one. I just came back from a nice little break, and now that I’ve had time to recharge and let my manuscript fade from memory a bit, I’m ready to get read it through with a fresh perspective. This first step in the drafting process was oh-so-hard. I just didn’t know what to do with all the extra time. I had to console myself with activities like reading, painting, and working on a short story I’ve had in my head for a while. This is, by far, the hardest part of the drafting process. A warning to all of you about to start the “break” faze of your novel: this faze my leave you feeling rested and relaxed. You’re little writer mind may not know what to do with that feeling after months of buzzing thoughts and panicky emotions.

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Focus on the Big Things

At this point of the drafting process, it would be pointless to focus on the details. At this stage, there’s still a lot of rewriting and rearranging going on, so I could spendΒ a lot ofΒ time fixing grammar and then end up deleting the whole paragraph anyway. Things like grammar and spelling can wait until farther drafts. This is when I focus on things like character development, plot, and pacing. I’ll be looking at how the story comes together as a whole and asking myself questions like,

“Does the way I explain this make sense, or do I need more detail?”

“Would this conversation be more entertaining if it took place in a different location?”

“Would this scene be less boring if I had one of the characters come out in their underwear?”

I’m not saying that I have a scene where one of my characters are in their underwear (I’m not saying I don’t either πŸ˜‰ ). The point is, I’m still shaping the story, so it would be a waste to spend a lot of time on the technical aspect of things.

I’m looking at the story through a set of binoculars. I’ll get the magnifying glass later.

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Now on to the experimenting!

Next week, I’ll tell you all how the experiment went. I’ll be deciding weather I like reading over my first draft in Scrivener or if I liked printing it out better. I’ll also be deciding how I’m going to keep track of changes I want to make. There are so many different methods people use. It’s hard to know which one is for me. I guess I’ll find out!

Before I end this post, I want to take a moment to thank all of my wonderful readers. You’ve all been so supportive, and your comments are so encouraging. Writing this thing is so much easier with you all beside me! πŸ™‚

Until next time Epic Dreamers!

Learning How to Revise That Story II







11 thoughts on “Learning How to Revise That Story”

  1. I love the idea of the highlighter pens jumping up and marking the pages for you, like a scene from a Disney movie, where the birds help the princess during a happy song number.

    Congratulations on getting a first full draft, that’s a huge accomplishment ! I know exactly what you mean about that dream where the Second Draft would magically solve everything, and then oops, now you’re there. It sounds like you have a great start on your revisions. I am inspired to rethink my own revisions now!


    1. Wouldn’t that be wonderful? Why can’t I be part of a Disney movie? Come on highlighters, get up and dance like the silverware in Beauty and the Beast. And while your at it highlight the mistakes for me will you? πŸ˜‰
      I’m glad I’m not the only one who fell into that second-draft-magically-solves-all trap. πŸ™‚

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Some days I want the Disney treatment more than others… For instance, today, if I had singing birds trying to help me get dressed, it would probably end in a feathery free-for-all. And the last thing I want this minute is the highlighters pointing out my mistakes. I know where those are! Bring on the black pen that will fill in the new and improved passages! πŸ˜€

        Liked by 1 person

    1. I am planning on letting some people read it and give feedback, but I wanted to go over it myself at least once just to catch the big stuff. For instance, I found that there was an entire chapter missing. 😦 So I’ll need to go back and write that (which is what I’m about to do now actually).

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I hope your experiments point you in the right direction. Choosing from many different ways to edit is pretty hard. What you said about focussing on the big things makes perfect sense at this stage. Good luck! πŸ™‚ (Those GIFs and pictures are THE BEST!)


    1. Thanks, I hope they do to! It’s going pretty well so far. Hopefully the notes I make are thorough enough. I feel like there’s probably so much I’m missing. But that’s why books take several drafts to finish. πŸ˜€
      Thank you. πŸ™‚ I love to use GIFs. πŸ˜‰

      Liked by 1 person

  3. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen your posts on my reader.. a fellow blogger told me that WordPress does that sometimes if you have followed a lot of blogs…

    I’m not sure whether you remember me… but just recently I posted a few plans I had for my blog… One of them included collaborating with other bloggers… the link to my post is right here: https://teenmemoir.com/2017/05/25/new-blogging-schedule-collaboration-call/

    I’m basically looking for people to collaborate with and I was wondering if you would be interested… do let me know if you are by replying to this comment or sending me an email teenmemoirwp@gmail.com



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