Blogger Award, Blogging Tips, and A Crazy Blogger


I was lucky enough to receive the Blogger Recognition Award a while ago (don’t ask how long “a while ago” is).   Blogging 101 and Writing 101 kept me pretty busy so I was trying to wait and do this post on a day when I wasn’t posting for one of them. That day finally came!   (Blogging 101’s assignment didn’t include a post and Writing 101…well, let’s just say I played hooky…but shh, don’t tell them. 😉 )

Now that that secret is safe…

Thank you Joy for the nomination! This is one award I haven’t seen floating around to blogging world, so I was extra honored to receive it.

I’m supposed to give a brief history of how my blog began.  Well, it will be more than brief, if that’s even possible.  My blog didn’t come with a bang, an epiphany, an “ah ha” moment, or a light bulb zinging to life. It was more like a sneaky little incessant voice that kept creeping into my brain and whispering, “Start blogging.  Start blogging.  You want to do it.  You were born to do it.  It is your destiny.”

So now you know.  I didn’t start my blog to share my amazing stories or to connect with all you amazing people.  I just wanted the voice to leave my head.  (Did I just type that?  Forget that last sentence.  I never had a voice in my head. I’m not crazy.  I don’t need to be locked in a padded cell…again).

(That’s…sound logic???)

Now that you all know that I’m a reliable source (and definitely not crazy), I will share some bits of wisdom for all you new bloggers.

Tip number one:

Write about the stuff you care about.

If you’re not having fun writing it, no one is going to have fun reading it.  It doesn’t matter if you think that’s the topic that will get readers.  If it isn’t something you’re passionate about, people will be able to tell. And when the sense you don’t care about what you’re writing, they won’t care either (which FYI means they won’t keep reading, they’ll click on some other site where the author loves what he’s writing about, and they’ll subscribe to him instead of you).

“But Megan, I’m passionate about mango farming monkeys who live on Mars.  No one is going to read about that.  I have to write blog posts on gluten-free cookie recipes, because that’s the only thing that will attract people to my blog.”

First of all, writing about a popular topic may lure some people in, but it isn’t going to keep them there because…well I already explained that a second ago.  Pay attention.

Second, what is considered popular changes all the time.  Then you’ll be stuck writing about something you could care less about for people who aren’t even reading.  Besides, trying to do something just because it’s “popular” leaves you feeling a bit like this.

(This is all those pushy, popular topics making you write about them. And now “You’re going to be pop-u-lar!” is in my head.)

Lastly, why shouldn’t you write about that very strange… I mean that super, superb, stupendous topic you are interested in?  Guess what?  There are other people interested in mango farming monkeys who live on Mars and if you never write about it, you’ll never connect with those people.   Which should be your whole point to blogging anyway: to connect with others who have similar interests.  Not so you can say you are blogging on whatever is mainstream at the time (or to get the annoying voice out of you head).

Tip number two:

Stop checking your stats!

I mean it.  Don’t do it ever again.  Ok, you can check you stats sometimes.  Just make sure you aren’t obsessing over them.  For one, you’ll have more time to actually write blog post if you aren’t constantly refreshing the page to see if one more person has visited your blog.


Who cares if one more person clicked over to your blog if you don’t have any new content for them to read.

Besides, it can get discouraging to measure your blog’s success against the numbers when you’ve just started.  Constantly going, “Oh no! I have five less visitors than I did yesterday.  What am I doing wrong?”  isn’t going to help you.  Blog views and comments fluctuate.  Some days it will be pretty dead, but focus on the day you’re hits went soaring and the great comments you did receive.

Not only will it keep you inspired to continue blogging, but it will keep you from walking around with a fake smile on your face because you’re trying to hide the fact that you are about to throw your computer across the room and curse the day you started blogging.

(Me pretending I’m not about to stalk every one of my followers and leave them nasty comments for not liking my newest blog post. And yes, I’m still clinging to my previous statement; I’m not crazy.)

Whew! Now that that’s done, it’s time for the nominees!

I nominate:

  1. Something to Say Here to Stay
  2. Tia
  3. Casey
  4. Kat
  5. Paradoxical Sprite
  6. Carol
  7. Cathy Lynn Brooks
  8. CK Hatter
  9. Lula Harp
  10. TLizzy

And the next five bloggers are you guys!  That’s right.  It’s your lucky day!  You could be the one to receive the Blogger Recognition Award.

It goes to the first five commenters. (And you better comment or I’ll come after you with my creepy smile.)

Ready. Set.  Go!

Oh and here are the rules.

  1. Select 15 other blogs you want to give the award to. Do some digging if you must! Find those blogs. You cannot nominate yourself or the person who has nominated you.
  1. Write a post to show off your award! Give a brief story of how your blog got started, and give a piece or two of advice to new bloggers. Thank whoever nominated you, and provide a link to their blog. List who you’ve nominated in the post.
  1. Make sure to also attach the award itself! (You can do this by right-clicking, saving, and uploading the image above).
  1. Comment on each blog and let them know you’ve nominated them. Provide a link to the award post you created.
  1. Provide a link to the original post on Edge of Night. That way, anyone can find the original guidelines and post if needed, and we can keep it from mutating and becoming confusing! (It happens LOL).
  2.  Leave a link to your post in the comments so I can check it out.  I’d love to read your blogging advice! (This one is optional.)

Now you can start commenting.  🙂

24 thoughts on “Blogger Award, Blogging Tips, and A Crazy Blogger”

    1. Thank you! I’m glad you enjoyed my off-the-wall humor. 🙂
      I love Wicked! I’ve only seen it once, but I’m waiting for the day it will come back into town. I have to see it again.
      And by the way, you are one of the first five commenters, so the Blogger Recognition Award is yours! Congratulations! 🙂
      If you decide to do the post, feel free to leave the link in the comments so I can come by and check it out.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Wicked is definitely one of my favorite musicals (it’s right up there with The Phantom of the Opera and Les Mis) but I haven’t seen it live yet, but I’d be happy if they just released a filmed version on DVD already lol. And thank you lol 😀


      2. Those are my top three favorite too. Les Miserables makes me tear up every time. I love both the musical version and this movie version I came across once. It was in French (with English subtitles) and listing to it in their language made me feel like I was in their world.
        Ahh…now I want see a good musical. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      3. I’ve seen a few Les Mis movies but never one in French, but I imagine it was awsome! And if you like Phantom I would give the sequel, Love Never Dies, a chance, I love it just as much as POTO (though the only watchable version is the Australian and I much prefer the original London cast lol). There’s also a wonderful French Beauty and the Beast film, if you don’t mind reading subtitles, called La Belle et la Bete on YouTube that I would try! I’ve always thought the Phantom and B&B are wonderfully similar stories and this version is gorgeous! 😀

        Liked by 1 person

      4. There’s a sequel! You just made my day with that little bit of information!
        Those two stories are similar, aren’t they? And since I have some time to kill at the moment, I’m heading to YouTube see this version of Beauty and the Beast. That worked out well. 🙂 Thanks for sharing!
        Oh and the French version of Les Miserables is with Gerard Depardieu and made in 2000, if you want to find it. It’s actually a series (I think 4 episodes), and it was on YouTube when I watched it, but I didn’t know if it still is.

        Liked by 1 person

      5. You’re welcome and I hope you enjoy Beauty and the Beast and Love Never Dies!!! I certainly did! And yes I think I will go search Youtube for this new (to me anyway lol) Les Mis… 😀


  1. Too funny! Although of course, now I want to read a blog about mango-farming monkeys on Mars. But I’m flexible. Venus would be okay too. Or the MOON. Yes, Monkey Moon Mangoes, I can see it now. 😉


  2. Good tips, Megan. You are so entertaining and fun to read. I enjoy your blogs- even if they go awry on occasion, seems you quickly recover. Keep us current with your status reports and whatever else you feel passionate about.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Agree with most of the comments here, you do have a really good writing style. Mango farming monkeys on Mars lol Like what you say about writing about whatever interests you is the way to connect with people who might share the interest!
    And thanks for the nomination. Working on a post just now so intend to do the one required here after right after
    Keep writing 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m so glad you enjoyed the post! Blogging is such a great way to connect with people you’d normally not have the chance to interact with. It would be a shame to waste that opportunity (so go ahead and write about those mango farming monkeys 😉 )
      I will definitely keep writing. 🙂


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